

  • Aslan Gadzhikurbanov Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosovsky prospect 27/1, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation




Spinoza, Russian spinozism, natural philosophy, geometric method, naturalistic principle, metaphysics, teleology, Ethics, moral subject, supreme value


We are talking about Spinoza, his life, his doctrine and his spiritual heritage, the history of Russian spinozism, and the contemporary research of his work. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of his main work – “Ethics”, representing a comprehensive system of ideas and including theology, metaphysics, natural philosophy and ethics. The role of the geometric method in constructing his picture of the world is considered, and it is noted that Spinoza’s geometric model expresses the objective order of building the universe. Along with the schematics of the division of reality on the generative natureand generated nature, the distinction between two forms of representation of being – realand modal (realiter / modaliter) is important for the metaphysics of Spinoza. It speaks of a certain conflict within Spinoza’s methodology in interpreting the order of the universum, where, along with the geometric and causal scenario, there are two others, theological-religiousand metaphysical. Referring to the naturalistic principle, the author asserts that the “naturalism” of Spinoza should always be considered with serious adjustment for the theological, metaphysical, geometric, ethical, utilitarian, and other contexts of his application. The author affirms the idea of the primacy of the metaphysical model of being relative to the moral stratification of the universe. The hierarchy of substantial space in the universum of Spinoza creates the prerequisites for the formation of a definite teleologicalideain it, in which the substantial order of world-making acts as the supreme value and purpose of the aspirations of the moral subject.


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Author Biography

  • Aslan Gadzhikurbanov, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosovsky prospect 27/1, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation

    DSc in Philosophy, Assistant Professor







How to Cite

1. Gadzhikurbanov A. Spinoza // Philosophical anthropology. 2018. № 2 (4). C. 152–185.