V scientific videoconference «Man as a natural, social, existential creature: "sore spots" of philosophical anthropology» (in memory of Pavel Gurevich). Moscow–Nizhny Novgorod, June 11, 2019


  • Editorial material RAS Institute of Philosophy. Gonсharnaya St. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation




The V annual scientific video conference was held on June 11 2019. It was organized by the Department of History of Anthropological Doctrines, Institute of Philosophy, RAS (Moscow) and the Faculty of Social Sciences of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod) and dedicated to the memory of the outstanding thinker Pavel S. Gurevich. The conference touched upon the global problems facing humanity today. The theme of influence of modern technologies on human nature, thinking and emotional world of the person which has extremely aggravated the problem of the meaning of human existence was sounded through, Modern natural science and philosophical and anthropological concepts claiming to be a description of the historical perspectives of human development were analyzed, During the discussion, the participants drew attention to the diversity of man: he can be considered a beast or, conversely, a historical actor, he can be treated as a real creature, but there is the reason to consider him fictitious, virtual and hallucinatory. Man has become multiple and in perspective infinitely different.

It was shown that clarification is needed on many of the problems of philosophical anthropology, including those outlined in the discussion. But in the center of philosophical reflection is the question: will man be able to save himself. After all, as P.S. Gurevich wrote in his book "Classical and non-classical anthropology: a comparative analysis", after ten thousand years of history, man has for the first time become entirely problematic. He no longer knows what he is, but he knows this ignorance.


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How to Cite

1. Editorial material V scientific videoconference «Man as a natural, social, existential creature: "sore spots" of philosophical anthropology» (in memory of Pavel Gurevich). Moscow–Nizhny Novgorod, June 11, 2019 // Philosophical anthropology. 2019. № 2 (5). C. 216–224.