Science and ideology of solidarity
sociology, science, partial ideology, monolithic ideology, scientific ideology, the state, humanity, society, the individual, solidarityAbstract
In modern times (last 100-150 years), the influence of science and technology increases on society, not only the utilitarian influence (on production, on the organization of social life), but also on the ideology, just the science becomes ideology (J. Habermas). Thus the question arises, what is the relationship between science, scientific ideology and traditional political forms of ideology (socialism, liberalism, conservatism). For example, this article describes three social systems – of O. Comte, of E. Durkheim and of A.A. Bogdanov. These positivist sociologists were closest in contact with science and with the science of sociology in particular. Parallel to this was the polemic with Karl Mannheim, who had laid the foundations of modern conceptions of ideology as expression of the interests of certain social groups.
Auguste Comte was one of the founders of the science of sociology, for him it was the complete of the natural sciences. The result was the elimination of the deep differences of natural philosophy from the moral philosophy accepted since the time of Plato and Aristotle. The ideology of Conte was an expression of the interests of the whole society, not even of the state, but of mankind. So was formed Conte’s new ideology of solidarity, the promotion of the public good should be predominant in it.
E. Durkheim, following Comte, stood on the positions of the scientific study of society, but the bearer of public interest for him were, on the one hand, family and professional association, on the other hand, the state. At the end of his life he spoke about socialism, but his socialism was special, he rejected the principle of equality, but appreciated the impact of the group on the individual and therefore can be considered close to the ideology of solidarity.
The third form of the science of sociology and ideology of solidarity, which is seen in this article, it is empiriomonism of A.A. Bogdanov. He insisted on the integrity of human experience, both natural and social. For centuries there were processes of convergence of different sciences, but at the stage of machine production there appeared a chance to overcome the specialization and anarchy, to submit sciences and social experience to the principle of monism. Like Comte, Bogdanov thought in the scale of humanity, whose task was considered the organization of all its forces for the struggle with nature, to establish the power of labor over it. Bogdanov was a brilliant mouthpiece of the idea of solidarity, though, being an unorthodox Marxist, recognized the principle of equality.
It is considered that sociology is a theoretical construction which contains the political view of a certain segment of the population at its present and future. Ideologies of examined social theories pretend to be scientific and to express the interests of large human conglomerates, lately they are getting stronger, while traditional political ideologies are blurred (blurred communism, blurred socialism, and nationalism is experiencing attacks of ethnic groups, etc.). Reality demonstrates the multiplicity of ideologies, but a holistic knowledge doesn’t give the relative synthesis of different ideologies (Mannheim), but the ideology derived from scientific knowledge of society. The author is far from the idealization of scientific ideologies, though they had the form of an ideology of solidarity, but we must be aware of their impending force and its pros and cons.