Anthropic body of national legal tradition and communicative practices


  • Tatyana Selina Network project “Be House of Ya.V. Chesnov in Obninsk”, 249034, Russian Federation, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Gagarin street
  • Alexander Shtanko Network project "Investing in human potential"



National legal system, anthropic body, anthropic potential, a permanent connection of generations, communication practices, design, clean anthropic environment, institutions, the origins of anthropic culture, means of anthropophenomenalistics


National legal tradition (customary law) is a unitary system of relationships of living, past and unborn generations, called by Ya.V. Chesnov generic body of culture, or a unitary embryonic chain. It is the difference between the anthropic potential of man and of all mankind as a whole that keeps this continuous (permanent) connection between generations at the level of man's existential-personal experiment on himself (M. Mamardashvili). This is what we would call today the Word-Logos of Real, and Ya.V. Chesnov believed it is the basis of the vital ontology of society. The society is alive while there are existing and developing communicative practice of designing clean anthropic environments of new institutions, going back to the origins of anthropoculture with its rites of passage and initiations (project “Be House of Ya.V. Chesnov in Obninsk”). These anthropic institutions of self-determination and self-distribution organize the system of succession of generations, reproduced in anthropic culture. By means of anthropophenomenalistics has performed the reconstruction of the origins of the formation of the national legal system – the anthropic body of national legal culture and its ways of organizing communicative practices of withdrawal of conflict situations, which is of great practical importance for the current situation of instability in the context of the growth of the global crisis, of threatening to go into a humanitarian and of anthropological catastrophe.


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Author Biographies

  • Tatyana Selina, Network project “Be House of Ya.V. Chesnov in Obninsk”, 249034, Russian Federation, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Gagarin street

    Ph.D in History, Associate Professor, Manager of network project

  • Alexander Shtanko, Network project "Investing in human potential"

    Methodologist, Manager of network project






Cultural Anthropology

How to Cite

1. Selina T., Shtanko A. Anthropic body of national legal tradition and communicative practices // Philosophical anthropology. 2019. № 1 (5). C. 45–61.