Mythopoetry of V. Ivanov & Creativity of the Myth of D. Andreyev


  • Igor Chindin Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Volokolamsk Highway, 4, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation



Russian symbolism, myth, neomythologism, mythopoetics, formation of myths, mythical thinking, mystical realism, Russian idea, logomyth, myth par excellence


In article creativity of the one of leaders of the Russian symbolism V. Ivanov is considered through a neomythologism prism. An attempt is made to analyze the features of  a mythopoetics of the poet-philosopher; to distinction between “mythopoetics” and a “formation of myths”. The review of poet’s views on creativity of the myth before and during his emigration is given. A number of aspects of mythical perception of the world comes to light, on the basis of which the distinction between a symbolist neomythologism and a mythical narration of antiquity is made. The law “ideal-material unity” is considered as the most important installation of mythical knowledge of the world. The specification of the term “myth” in the context of esthetic and philosophical concepts of the Russian romantic-symbolical school is offered. On the basis of selected aspects of mythical perception of the world “myth” of Ivanov is compared to “myth” of D. Andreyev. The preliminary conclusion is made about high quality deepening in mythical perception of the world, which is found in Andreyevs creativity, in comparison with poetry of the Russian symbolists, in particular, Ivanov. In Andreyevs creativity the fact of creation of the latest mythical chronotope – Rose of the World, is elicited, and also the fact of transition from language of “abstract” philosophical concepts on language of “concrete” mythical entities. In these facts the author of article sees implementation of the law of “ideal-material unity” of a mythical thinking, and also precept both of the Russian symbolism and V. Solovyov to find the integrity of knowledge.


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Author Biography

  • Igor Chindin, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Volokolamsk Highway, 4, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation

    PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor






Religious Anthropology

How to Cite

1. Chindin I. Mythopoetry of V. Ivanov & Creativity of the Myth of D. Andreyev // Philosophical anthropology. 2019. № 1 (5). C. 62–80.