Personalistic vision of the world – modus of Russian philosophical thought




personality, Russian philosophy, creativity, personalism, “living knowledge”, philosophical anthropology, anthropodicy, the kingdom of Spirit, freedom, the kingdom of Caesar, objectification, the meaning of history, eschatology


The article discusses the features of Russian philosophical thought associated with its orientation to the interpretation of the world in the unity of its conceptual and figurative perception, to a method of philosophizing that is realized as a function of the mind, which not only understands, but experiences and feels, filling the intellectual process with “living objectivity”. Referring in this connection to the concept of Kireevsky “living knowing”. The author shows that this method of philosophizing was also a protest against the adoption of rationalism as a universal form of attitude to the world, defending the idea of “unity” of human cognitive capabilities through the existential inclusion in the cognitive process. This opened the way to the direction that brings philosophical reflection closer to the personalistic vision of the world with its attention to the individual as the highest value and creativity as the spiritual foundation of being. The article shows that a consistent implementation of this vision of the world received in the philosophical constructs of S.L. Frank, L.I. Shestov, N.O. Lossky, in the works of representatives of the literary and artistic movement of the early XX century, and the development in the form of a special philosophical trend in philosophy N.A. Berdyaev, who characterized his framework as religious existentialism and personalism. Referring to the philosophical heritage of Berdyaev, the author of the article includes in her analysis the philosopher’s interpretation of the idea of free personality and creativity (the kingdom of Spirit), the idea of objectification (the kingdom of Caesar) and the idea of eschatologism (earthly history and the superhistorical). The author shows that the basis of all philosophical constructions of the philosopher was that neither man nor opposed to him being in their separate existence represent the basis of entity, for such is the person “rooted” in it. According to the author, Berdyaev, more fully and comprehensively, of all other domestic philosophers expressed in his philosophical searching and constructions the meanings and content of personalism as a philosophical trend.


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Author Biography

  • Irina Sizemskaya, RAS Institute of Philosophy, Gonсharnaya St. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation

    DSc in Philosophy, Chief Researcher







How to Cite

1. Sizemskaya I. Personalistic vision of the world – modus of Russian philosophical thought // Philosophical anthropology. 2019. № 1 (5). C. 189–206.