Daniil Andreev`s "Rose of the World" and Modern Philosophical Comprehension of Myth


  • Igor Chindin Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Volokolamsk Highway, 4, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation




Daniil Andreyev, Rose of the World, philosophical comprehension of myth, neomythologism, myth creation, transgression, transtextuality, completeness, ideal-material entity, the latest ἀρχή, chiliasmos, trickster


The article analyses "Rose of the World", the main book of the "later" Daniil Andreev`s works, through the prism of modern philosophical comprehension of myth. Its initial position is a judgment about the completeness of knowledge of the author. The article reveals the fact of transgression of literature and life, and also a fact of the transtextuality in Andreev’s "late" works. It regards the phenomenon of the Rose of the World as the newest mythical chronotope and the latest beginning of the world (ἀρχή); analyses the method of mythic creativity of Andreev, his "meta-historical dialectics", parataxis in the "metahistory" of "Rose of the World"; discusses the phenomena of "duplicity" and "triplicity" of ontology of the "Rose of the World" through the prism of law of the ideal-material unity of the mythical perception of the world; actualizes the correlation of the Marxist-Leninist chiliasmos and Andreev`s chiliasmos, and typifies this correlation through the binary opposition of "demiurge-trickster"; analyses the structure of eschatology of the "Rose of the World". The conclusion is made that immersion in the mythical paradigm of perception of the world and creation of the newest myth are the most profound for the artist of the XX century.


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Author Biography

  • Igor Chindin, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Volokolamsk Highway, 4, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation

    PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor






Man in the World of Art

How to Cite

1. Chindin I. Daniil Andreev`s "Rose of the World" and Modern Philosophical Comprehension of Myth // Philosophical anthropology. 2019. № 2 (5). C. 102–117.