The Concept of Contingent in Post-Tridentine Scholastic Philosophy


  • Denis Manakov National Research University "Higher School of Economics"



contingent, sciences of the contingent, moral being, moral demonstration, moral necessity, moral modalities, scholastic modal theory, second scholasticism, free will, probability


The author analyzes the methodology of working with contingent events and how the concept of contingent and other related concepts is conceptualized in post-Tridentine scholastic philosophy. In particular, the article examines the theory of moral modalities that emerged in the XVI–XVII centuries, describing knowledge about contingent and patterns of human behavior; the separation of physical and moral in the context of contingent reality produced by human will; as well as the concepts of probabilistic knowledge and the methodology of the sciences about contingent facts. Based on the analysis of the data of scholastic ideas and concepts, the author identifies the key characteristics of knowledge about the contingent and identifies the common core of approaches to the theorization of contingent events in post-Trident scholasticism.


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Author Biography

  • Denis Manakov, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

    student of the Faculty of Humanities Educational direction "Philosophy".

    21/4 Staraya Basmannaya str., Moscow, 105066, Russian Federation






Religious Anthropology

How to Cite

1. Manakov D. The Concept of Contingent in Post-Tridentine Scholastic Philosophy // Philosophical anthropology. 2022. № 2 (8). C. 73–94.