National Wartime Usefulness: How is it Sanctified by Eternity?




war, the ambivalent sacredness, military usefulness, homeland, patriotism, spiritual spirituality, gratitude memory, naturalness, humanity, energy-informational space


Wartime (1941‑1945) reveals an incomprehensible Russian usefulness three-quarters of a century later. The quality and properties of Russia are determined by its trajectory of two millennia, not one. Therefore, its meaning and mystery of the great Patriotic war can only be understood thanks to the Holy Scripture. N.V. Gogol insisted on this who saw the events of national history "clearer than day" through crimes "before God". In Gogol's words, "the last judgment of God" took place over the aggression of Germany. As a result, the great Victory will "wake up the present" [4].

The author's philosophical view is presented as a concept: the time of the great war is first studied in the light of the two-thousand-year trajectory of the Fatherland. It was started by St. Andrew the First-called. National usefulness treated after V.I. Dahl. The qualitative properties of "usefulness" generalizations can be traced in the concepts of "Russianness", "all-Russianness" and "Sovietness". Eternity sanctified wartime, which became the pinnacle of the sacred Spirit. The sanctity of war is considered comprehensively, based on history, science, religion, philosophy, and art.


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Author Biography

  • Petr Simush, RAS Institute of Philosophy

    DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Senior research fellow.

    RAS Institute of Philosophy.

    12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow 109240, Russian Federation






Historical Anthropology

How to Cite

1. Simush P. National Wartime Usefulness: How is it Sanctified by Eternity? // Philosophical anthropology. 2020. № 2 (6). C. 71–87.