What is Russian Philosophy Today? (About the Anthology «Russian Philosophy in the XXI Century»)





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The publication of the anthology «Russian Philosophy in the XXI Century» edited by Mikhail Sergeev, Alexander Chumakov and Mary Tice is the result of a long-term international project. This publication provides a broad overview of post-Soviet philosophical thought for the English-speaking readers. Without pursuing the goal of covering all modern Russian philosophy in one book, the editors, however, managed to expand a whole complex of philosophical problems, which are reflected now by famous Russian philosophers, who create in Russia and abroad and who consider themselves to be part of the Russian school of philosophy.

The article notes that Russian philosophy, on the one hand, is deeply rooted in the cultural tradition, and on the other, absorbs the newfangled Western trends, continues to preserve its distinctive features, represented by original philosophical schools and outstanding names. Since the work on the anthology took several years and some of its authors (Pavel Gurevich, Vadim Mezhuev, Valery Podoroga, Sergey Horujy) are no longer alive, the book allows us to evaluate once again their significant contribution to the development of Russian philosophy and to honor their memory.

Publishers paid great attention to the accuracy of the translation of Russian-language articles into English, trying to keep the imagery and the richness of the Russian language. The anthology is intended not only for specialists in philosophy, but also for the general reader, who want to understand better by what lives Russian philosophical thought today and where it draws inspiration.


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Author Biography

  • Elvira Spirova, RAS Institute of Philosophy

    DSc in Philosophy, Нead of the Department of the History of Anthropological Doctrines.

    RAS Institute of Philosophy.

    Gonсharnaya St. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation







How to Cite

1. Spirova E. What is Russian Philosophy Today? (About the Anthology «Russian Philosophy in the XXI Century») // Philosophical anthropology. 2020. № 2 (6). C. 157–164.

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