The resurrector of past accomplishments


  • Pavel Gurevich RAS Institute of Philosophy, Gonsharnaya St. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation



philosophy, tradition, sociology, science, humanitarian thought, idea, creativity, existential, immanent, transcendent


Vladislav Alexandrovich Lectorsky noted his 85-year anniversary by the report at the methodological seminar of Institute [18]. He dedicated his analysis to the domestic philosophy of the 20-ies of the last century. The brilliant constellation of thinkers, tragic fates and unsolved mysteries. Things which caused the disengagement and passion are largely forgotten. Different time comes. Different views of the world, of person reign now. Sometimes pride impels to look arrogantly at not so distant past. But, according to the authoritative opinion of Vladislav Alexandrovich, we have much more reasons for wonder and admiration of called decades. What a striking and comprehensive rise of humanitarian thought! What a variety of insights in the time of imposed ideological unanimity! What impeccable assortment of traditions, not losing their appeal and value!
“In our philosophy at that time, – wrote a few years ago V.A. Lectorsky, – outstanding thinkers with their original conceptions worked, and the different philosophical schools were active. The controversy between them was acute. This did not prevent all those who belonged to the new philosophical movement to be aware of their general ideological opposition to the official philosophy, inculcated from the top, and did not destroy their personal mutual relations” [21, p. 7].
But who, if not Vladislav Alexandrovich, to be the judge? Many of the things mentioned in his report are part of his life. He is not only the witness, he is the living participant in this historical process. From 1987 to 2009 he was chief editor of the magazine “Voprosy filisofii”, chairman of the international editorial board of the journal. It was a time of powerful revival of philosophical work and the recovery of tradition. Works of N. Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, S. Frank, D. Pisarev and many other famous thinkers were published. Not only memories, but also expert assessments of Vladislav Alexandrovich are valuable. He indicates a great interest in the problem of person which was designated in the 20–30-ies of the last century. Some authors believe that in this field of philosophical knowledge Russia still lagged behind the West. They often declare with secret joy that philosophical reflection existed only in fiction. Bright philosopher F.I. Girenok writes: “Philosophers in Russia
are bearers of European culture. We all are sitting and waiting for what they compose, write for the written to be read, translate and comment. We, Russians are outsiders of the European holiday of thought. Poor, what are we going to do if the machine breaks down, if Europe ever stops to think? Because then in our minds inevitably would arise the revolutionary question: what is to be done?” [16, p. 48]. Needless to say, in a sense, we are “outsiders” for Europe. Haven’t they experienced such a catastrophic event as the expulsion from the country of the best representatives of humanitarian thought? “Philosopher’s steamboat” is a sinister metaphor. Is there in European history the expulsion of a sage as Pitirim Alexandrovich Sorokin, who then becomes the number-one sociologist in the world science? The gap with philosophical fashion is not the consequence of an exhausted mind. Russian philosopher Konstantin Kavelin at the end of the XIX century wrote truthfully: “Now we think that serious interest in philosophy should eventually emerge and become vital. Scientific sybaritism and amateurism would give way to an in-depth examination, when we finally understand that one or the other direction of our practical life and activities depends on one or the other solution” [17, p. 291–292]. Honoring the hero of the day, we want following reflections V.A. Lectorsky refer to two thinkers of Russia, whose pan-European significance is without question, Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev, and Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin.


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Author Biography

  • Pavel Gurevich, RAS Institute of Philosophy, Gonsharnaya St. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation

    Pavel GUREVICH - DSc in Philosophy, DSc in Philology, professor, Chief Researcher at the Department of the History of Anthropological Doctrines. RAS Institute of Philosophy.







How to Cite

1. Gurevich P. . The resurrector of past accomplishments // Philosophical anthropology. 2017. № 2 (3). C. 8–29.

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