Paul Ricoeur about Co-existence of the People (through the pages of the book «Paul Ricoeur. Politique, économie et société. Écrits et conférences 4» (Paris, 2019))




human common existence, politics, morality, ethics, recognition, tolerance, fragility, justice, memory, forgiveness, gift


The 4th volume of “Manuscripts and Speeches” by the prominent contemporary thinker Paul Ricoeur (1913‑2005) contains works discussing one of his central themes — the problem of a common existence of men considered from the point of view of politics, economics, power, law, culture, morality, and ethics. At the same time, the French thinker specifically highlights and discusses such burning problems of modern life as mutual recognition, the fragility of human existence and earthly civilization in general, tolerance, care, justice, responsibility for the future of humanity, for the very idea of man. In a number of works, Ricoeur expresses his views on the possible future of Europe — on its new ethos overcoming the boundaries and structures of national states, on the combination of their “identity” and “otherness” at the global level. Translation from one language to another as a kind of a priori communication, exchange of memory as a preliminary transfer to a different cultural environment, forgiveness that stems from the suffering of others and raises the question of the burden of debt, — all this is being considered as a models of integration.

Originally presented at philosophical congresses and symposia, as well as qua journal publications, the highlighted problems were fundamentally studied by the philosopher in his works “History and Truth” (1955), “Oneself as Another” (1990), “Ethics and Responsibility” (1994), “The Just” (vols. 1, 2 — 1995, 2001), “Ideology and Utopia” (1997), “Memory, History, Oblivion” (2000), “The Way of Recognition” (2004). The book “Paul Ricoeur. Politics, Economics and Society. Manuscripts and Speeches 4” is addressed to philosophers, cultural and political scientists and scholars representing different branches of humanitarian studies, as well as to readers interested in contemporary philosophy.


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Author Biography

  • Irena Vdovina, RAS Institute of Philosophy

    DSc in Philosophy,

    Chief Researcher. RAS Institute of Philosophy.

    12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow 109240, Russian Federation






Political Anthropology

How to Cite

1. Vdovina I. Paul Ricoeur about Co-existence of the People (through the pages of the book «Paul Ricoeur. Politique, économie et société. Écrits et conférences 4» (Paris, 2019)) // Philosophical anthropology. 2020. № 2 (6). C. 47–61.

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